


252 AA Slogans!

  1. easy does it

  2. first things first

  3. live and let live

  4. but for the grace of god

  5. think......think.......think

  6. one day at time

  7. let go and let god

  8. kiss---keep it simple stupid

  9. act as if.........

  10. this too shall pass

  11. expect miracles

  12. i can't .........he can..........i think i'll let him (steps 1,2,3)

  13. if it works.........don't fix it

  14. keep coming back..........it works if you work it

  15. stick with the winners

  16. keep right size

  17. sobriety is a journey ..........not a destination

  18. faith without works is dead

  19. poor me.....poor me............pour me another drink

  20. to thine own self be true

  21. I came;I came to;I came to believe (steps 1,2,3)

  22. live in the NOW

  23. if god seems far away, who moved ?

  24. turn it over

  25. aa=altered attitudes

  26. nothing is so bad, a drink won't make it worse

  27. we are only as sick as our secrets

  28. there are no coincidences in aa

  29. be part of the solution,not the problem

  30. sponsors: have one-----use one-----be one

  31. I can't handle it god; you take over

  32. keep an open mind

  33. it works -------it really does ! (page 88,line 8 in the big book)

  34. willingness is the key

  35. more will be revealed

  36. you will intuitively know

  37. you will be amazed

  38. no pain.........no gain

  39. go for it

  40. keep the plug in the jug

  41. do it sober

  42. let it begin with me

  43. just for today

  44. sober `n` crazy

  45. pass it on

  46. it's in the book
  47. you either is-------or you ain't

  48. before you say: i can't ............say i'll try

  49. don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens

  50. some of us our sicker than others

  51. we're all here because we're not all there

  52. alcoholism is an equal opportunity destroyer

  53. practice an attitude of gratitude

  54. the road to sobriety is a simple journey for confused people with a complicated disease

  55. another friend of bill w.'s

  56. god is never late

  57. have a good day unless of course u have made other plans

  58. decisions aren't forever

  59. it takes time

  60. 90 meetings in 90 days.........90/90

  61. you are not alone

  62. where you go .......there you are

  63. don't drink,read the big book,and go to meetings

  64. use the 24-hour plan

  65. make use of the telephone therapy

  66. stay sober for yourself

  67. look for similarities rather than differences

  68. remember your last drunk

  69. remember that alcoholism is incurable,progressive, and fatal

  70. try not place conditions on your sobriety

  71. when all else fails, follow directions

  72. count your blessings

  73. share your happiness

  74. respect the anonymity of others

  75. share your pain

  76. let go of old ideas

  77. try to replace guilt with gratitude

  78. what goes around, comes around

  79. change is a process, not an event

  80. take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth

  81. call your sponsor before, not after, you take the first drink

  82. sick and tired of being sick and tired

  83. it's the first drink that gets you drunk

  84. to keep it, you have to give it away

  85. man's extremity is god's opportunity

  86. the price for serenity and sanity is self-sacrifice

  87. one alcoholic talking to another...........one equals one

  88. take what you can use and leave the rest

  89. what if........

  90. yeah but.........

  91. if only.........

  92. help is only a phone call away

  93. around aa or in aa ?

  94. you can't give away what you don't have

  95. one drink is too many and thousand not enough

  96. keep coming back---kcb

  97. anger is but one letter away from danger

  98. courage to change

  99. easy does it,but do it

  100. bring the body and the mind will follow

  101. accept your admission

  102. remember when............

  103. dry and tighten up (financially)

  104. we AAs are 'gifted' people

  105. there are 12 steps in the ladder of complete sobriety

  106. fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed

  107. before engaging your mouth,put your mind in gear!

  108. i want what i want when i want it

  109. there is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem

  110. aa is not something you join,it's a way of life

  111. we can be positive that our drinking was negative

  112. spirituality is the ability to get our minds off ourselves

  113. faith is spelled ...............a-c-t-i-o-n

  114. backsliding begins when knee-bending stops

  115. if i think,i won't drink. if i drink,i can't think

  116. bend your knees before you bend your elbow

  117. the first step in overcoming mistakes is to admit them

  118. formula for failure: try to please everyone

  119. sorrow is looking back,worry is looking around

  120. willpower= our will-ingness to use a higher power

  121. aa is an education without graduation

  122. when your head begins to swell your mind stops growing

  123. a journey of a 1,000 miles begins with the first step

  124. god=good orderly direction

  125. be as enthusiastic about aa as you were about your drinking

  126. you received without cost,now give without charge

  127. humility is our acceptance of ourselves

  128. trying to pray is praying

  129. get it ---give it---grow in it

  130. faith is not belief without proof but trust without reservation

  131. we're responsible for the effort not the outcome

  132. this is a selfish program

  133. ego=edge god out

  134. keep your sobriety first to make it last

  135. i drank: too much---too often---too long

  136. aa will work if you want it to work

  137. minds are like parachutes----they won't work unless they're open

  138. what you hear and see here,stays here

  139. alcoholism is the only disease that tells you you're all right

  140. if you turn it over and don't let go of it,you will be upside down.

  141. an aa meeting is where losers get together to talk about their winnings

  142. aa is a school in which we are all learners and all teachers

  143. god taught us to laugh again but god please don't let us forget that we once cried

  144. serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm

  145. aa may not solve all your problems but it is willing to share them

  146. it isn't the load that weighs us down------it's the way we carry it

  147. principles before personalities

  148. when u do all the talking you only learn what you already know

  149. the 7t's ---take time to think the thing through

  150. there are none too dumb for the aa program but many are too smart

  151. we all have another drunk left in us but we don't know if we have another recovery in us

  152. to be forgiven we must forgive

  153. when we surrender to our higher power, the journey begins

  154. the person with the most sobriety at a meeting is the one who got up earliest that morning

  155. knowledge of "the answers" never made anyone slip---it was failing to practice "the answers" known

  156. h.a.l.t.=don't get too hungry(h).......or too angry(a)......or too lonely(l) ........or too tire(t)

  157. fear stands for Frustration

  158. the 12 steps tell us how it works; the 12 traditions tell us why it works.........

  159. aa won't ...........keep you from going to hell.............nor is it a ticket to heaven............but it will...........keep u sober long enough.........for you to make up your mind...............which way you want to go!

  160. if faith without works is dead; then .........willingness without action is fantasy

  161. when a person tries to control their drinking they have already lost control

  162. the task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us

  163. seven days without an aa meeting makes one WEAK

  164. you are not required to like it, you're only required to DO IT

  165. when wallowing in your self-pity ...... get off the cross we need the wood

  166. we in aa don't carry the alcoholic; we carry the message

  167. the results are in god's hand

  168. we are not human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings having human experiences

  169. remember nothing is going to happen today that you and god can't handle

  170. when man listens,god speaks; when man obeys,god works

  171. don't watch the "slippers" but watch those who don't slip closely and watch them go through difficulties and pull through

  172. the 3 t's of gratitude to repay aa for our sobriety: our time, our talent, our treasure

  173. it's a pity we can't forget our troubles the same way we forget our blessings

  174. be careful what you pray for; you're liable to get it

  175. the time to attend a meeting is when you least feel like going

  176. work the program from the waist up

  177. aa is the highest priced club in the world.........if u have paid the dues, why not enjoy the benefits ?

  178. the first step is the only step a person can work perfectly

  179. the will of god will never take you where the grace of god will not protect you

  180. your big book is your sponsor too

  181. aa never opened the gates of heaven to let me in, aa did open the gates of hell to let me out

  182. the only thing we take from this world when we leave is what we gave away

  183. time wasted in getting even can never be used in getting ahead

  184. some people are so successful in aa that they turn out to be almost as good as they used to think they were when they were drinking

  185. sobriety delivers everything alcohol promised

  186. possibilities and miracles are one in the same

  187. get out of the driver's seat.......let go and let god

  188. how==honesty,open-mindedness,and willingness

  189. danger sign: when your eyes have wandered from the alcoholics who still suffers and needs help-----to the faults of those whom the program has already helped

  190. first we stayed sober because we have to............
    then we stay sober because we are willing to..........
    finally we stay sober because we want to.............

  191. slogans are wisdom written in shorthand

  192. active alcoholics don't have relationships; they take hostages

  193. everyday is a gift that is why we call it the present

  194. if you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere

  195. every recovery from alcoholism began with one sober hour

  196. each and every alcoholic----sober or not----teaches us some valuable lessons about ourselves and recovery

  197. we had to quit playing god

  198. don't compare---identify

  199. don't intellectualize----utilize

  200. RULE 62----don't take yourself so damn seriously!!!!!!!

  201. aa has a wrench to fit every nut that walks through a meeting room door

  202. living in the here and now

  203. how does one become an "old-timer" ? don't drink and don't die!

  204. aa spoils your drinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  205. faith is our greatest gift; its sharing with others our greatest responsibility

  206. if you want to drink-----that is your business
    if you want to quit-------that is aa 's business

  207. in a bar, we got sympathy-----as long as our money lasted.
    in aa,we get understanding------for nothing!

  208. even my worst day in sobriety is better than my best day drunk

  209. the elevator is broken-------use the steps

  210. let it begin with me

  211. when all else fails.........the directions are in the big book

  212. trust god.........clean house........help others

  213. anonymity is so important it's half of our name

  214. if we don't grow,we gotta go

  215. all you need to start your own aa meeting is a resentment and a coffee pot!!

  216. religion is for those who fear god.........spirituality is for those who have been to hell and back

  217. there are no atheists in foxholes

  218. three suggestions for making an aa speech:
    2).BE BRIEF
    3).BE SEATED

  219. when you are a sponsor, you get out of yourself. if i serve, i will be served

  220. why recovery never ends: the disease is alcoholISm, not alcoholWASM!

  221. the aa way of life is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions

  222. the smartest thing an aa member can say is, " help me "

  223. you are exactly where god wants you to be

  224. god will never give you more than you can handle

  225. slow but sure

  226. in aa we say a "coincidence" is a miracle in which god chooses to remain anonymous

  227. it takes the good and bad aa meeting----the good and bad aa talk -----to make this fellowship "work"

  228. give time .......time

  229. faith is a lighted doorway,but trust is a dark hall

  230. the lesson i must learn is simply that my control is limited to my own behavior,my own attitudes

  231. the aa paradoxes:
    ---from weakness(adversity) comes strength
    ---we forgive to be forgiven
    ---we give it away to keep it
    ---we suffer to get well
    ---we surrender to win
    ---we die to live
    ---from darkness comes light
    ---from dependence we found independence

  232. aa works for people who believe in god
    aa works for people who don't believe in god
    aa NEVER works for people who believe they ARE god

  233. just for today i will try to live through this day only,and not tackle my whole life problems at once. i can do something for 12 hours that would appall me if i felt that i had to keep it up for a LIFETIME

  234. there are two days in every week which we have no control over----yesterday and tomorrow.today is the only day we can change.

  235. it is not the experience if today that drives people mad----it is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

  236. slippers in aa use the rdp---revolving door policy

  237. pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth

  238. god has no grand kids

  239. there is a god and i am not it

  240. the road to disappointment (resentment) is paved with expectation

  241. be nice to newcomers .........one day they may be your sponsor

  242. denial is not a river in egypt !

  243. guilt is the gift that keeps on giving

  244. the flip side to forgiveness is resentments

  245. there is no magic in recovery only miracles

  246. fear is the absences of faith

  247. courage is faith that has said its prayers

  248. depression is anger toward inward

  249. alcoholics heal from the outside in.........but feel from the insideout

  250. 3 A's in aa-----affection (thoughtfulness)
    -----attention (listening)
    -----appreciation (gratitude)

  251. if it is meant to be...........i can't stop it
    if it isn't god's will ............i can't make it happen

  252. there are aa members who MAKE things happen
    there are aa members who WATCH things happen
    there are aa members who DON'T KNOW anything happen

    WHICH ARE YOU ??????

Ain't sobriety great!!!???!!!

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